Sonic Witchcraft


En-trance Point – tedenske “mind-hacking” delavnice


KDO – vodi Andrej Hrvatin, glasbenik in oblikovalec zvoka ter avtor Nimetu Antidepressant metode – več informacij:

SPROTNE PRIJAVE za vsak petkov termin posebej na:

CENA: prostovoljni prispevki

En-trance point (Vstopna točka) je naslov tedenskih petkovih srečanj, na katerih bomo praktično izvajali vaje in potovanja v podzavest/razširjeno zavest, ki koristijo pri osredotočanju v trenutku, razširjenim zaznavam, večji psiho-fizični moči in stabilnosti…

Osrednjo idejo / vodilo delavnice / najbolje osvetli nekaj citatov znamenitega Robert Anton Wilson-a:

“We look for the Secret – the Philosopher’s Stone, the Elixir of the Wise, Supreme Enlightenment, ‘God’ or whatever…and all the time it is carrying us about…It is the human nervous system itself.”

“…reality is always plural and mutable.”

“On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge Maximum Security prison, the only intelligent choice is to plan a jail break.”

“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.”

“The border between the Real and the Unreal is not fixed, but just marks the last place where rival gangs of shamans fought each other to a standstill.”

“Beyond a certain point, the whole universe becomes a continuous process of initiation.”

In nekaj citatov Robert A. Monroe-ja:

“Always know and remember that you are more than your physical body.”

“Fear is the great barrier to human growth.”

In še citat Stevena Kotlerja:

““Most people live in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul’s resources in general, much like a man who, out of his whole organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger.”

Vsaka delavnica bo vsebovala »potovanja« z zvokom (ritmična stimulacija in drugi psiho-akustični pristopi), posebne dihalne vaje ter druge intenzivne tehnike.

Vse tehnike bomo vadili postopoma, preizkušali, predvsem pa bomo urili našo pozornost, odprtost za subtilne procese ter hkrati racionalno in »prizemljeno« obravnavo tematike.

Vabljeni na skupno raziskovanje in avanturo, ki vam lahko odstre plati realnosti onkraj domišljije in vere. Metode in tehnike so koristne tudi za premagovanje stresa, travm, depresije, ujetosti v rigidne vzorce, pomanjkanje smisla, lahko vam pomagajo pri kreativnem delu, iskanju novih rešitev, pri kreativnem spopadanju z družbenimi, poslovnimi, partnerskimi ali družabnimi problemi… Pomagajo pri razširjanju in izboljšanju samopodobe, umestitvi v svetu, itd.


  • Eddie on July 26, 2019

    Thank you. I just viewed your interview on the Hemi-Sync podcast. What you shared resonates very deeply. Thank you and may our paths cross one day.

    • Author
      Andrej on July 26, 2019

      Thank you, I’m glad it meant something to someone.

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