Sonic Witchcraft



World dance music from the dystopic future!

What began as a series of inspired nights in the studio, fueled by a looper and unbridled, stylistically uninhibited imagination, has evolved into nine tunes of raw sonic juice and grooves destined for the dance floors of the future.

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Monolit Extended Live 2023

This is a live recording of an extended version of “Monolit”, with additional musician on bass clarinet, Boštjan Gombač, joining the crew and live synth played by Andrej Hrvatin, which was not in the original recording.

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Vortex with Hemi-Sync

Explore your inner sun/fire, spacious mind, and open heart as you journey deep into vortexes of space, time, and beyond.

This Hemi-Sync® version of Nimetu’s earlier release can be used for expressive movement/dance, and different healing and mind expanding explorations. The frequencies will allow you to deeply immerse yourself in the larger mystery as you gain a deeper perspective. Features many elements inspired by different world music traditions along with contemporary sonorities with the focus on the overtone series.

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“Vortex” is a special album for ecstatic dance. A musical journey into an expanded state of mind, possibly via sensual and ecstatic movement.

The album features many interesting elements inspired both by different world music traditions (Turkish sufi music, african polyrhytms, frame drumming, mongolian throat singing, etc.),
philosophical systems (Dzogchen, Taoism, Sufism…) and contemporary sonorities with the focus on the overtone series and in parts using
microtonality and alternative tuning systems – Gamelan scales and Wendy Carlos Harmonic scales for the synth ambiences.

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»Vrtise« je najnovejši album v žanrskem opusu glasbe za spremenjena stanja zavesti oz. »zvočne enteogene«.

Po letih ustvarjanja v »world music« , se NIMETU zadnja leta posveča bolj žanrski – meditativno-«neo-šamanski« glasbi, ki večinoma
izhaja na tujem.

Tudi album »Vrtise« bo izšel v posebni obliki za ameriško založbo Hemi-Sync, kot »Vortex«. Posebna, “limited edition” verzija “Vrtise” v
CD obliki pa je na voljo samo v Sloveniji, neposredno pri izvajalcu ali pri založbi Sanje.

Posebnost tega albuma je, da je namenjen ekstatičnemu gibu in ne zgolj poslušanju ali notranjim potovanjem z zvokom. V glasbo »Vrtise« je vtkanih veliko zanimivih elementov in inspiracij različnih svetovno-glasbenih tradicij (turška sufijska glasba, afriška poliritmika, mikrotonalnost, obročno bobnanje, mongolsko grleno petje, itd.)

Zvočno in v elektronskih partih je veliko pozornosti na sonoričnosti, barvi, s fokusom na alikvote in občasno uporabo mikrotonalnosti ter
alternativnih uglasitvah – gamelan lestvice in sodobne mikrotonalne lestvice Wendy Carlos, ki so uporabljeni v elektronskih partih.

Kupi “limited edition” CD:
Založba Sanje ali mi piši direktno

Enter the Hive

Complex rhythms, melodies and other elements were downloaded from the “hyperspace,” blended with the sounds of insects, and interwoven with percussion partially inspired by the polyrhythms of the Baka people. This unique and powerful musical experience, created as a music entheogen and roadmap for meditation, is enhanced by Hemi-Sync® frequencies allowing you to look beyond the surface and go deeper within.

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“Vroju” is an unconventional album intended to trigger a shift from ordinary perception.

While it is possible to enjoy it purely for its aesthetical and emotional appeal, its main aim is to enable the listener to enter altered states of consciousness.

For avid breathwork practitioners (Pranayama, Holotropic breathing, WHM, etc.) and seasoned psychonauts, it can be a tool to enhance the experience and help navigate the journey.

It is also inspired by the intricate insect songs, featured as elements of the musical arrangement – as one of the “instruments” or voices.

The music on this album was conceived in the flow and trance states. The particular structures, interlocking rhythms, melodies, etc., were “downloaded” from the so-called “Hyperspace” and painstakingly re-created in the ordinary state of consciousness.

In the current times of turmoil, uncertainty, and profound weirdness, it can be a tool for looking beyond the surface and deeper within – not as a substitute for action, but rather as a reminder that there is much more to this world than meets the eye.


This is a very special album, not just “ordinary” music, but an intense “sonic witchcraft” tool for shifting into the altered states of consciousness.

It can also be used as a powerful background music for breath-work and journeys with psychotropic plants.

It was conceived as a pre-recorded part for the drone music performance that took place in Minoriti Church in Maribor, on November 16th, 2019.

The album is published as one continuous piece, comprised of different sections that are marked by the accents on tingsha bell.

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Hero’s Journey

Constructed as a voyage through different stages, it begins with preparations for the departure—like a hero gathering his forces and setting intention—then slowly guides you out of the ordinary world. Explore different aspects of yourself and the Universe as the music builds to a rising of internal power, bringing about a catharsis as it gently leads you back “home” again—changed, enriched, and empowered, with a different view of reality and appreciation for life.

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Locus Solus

Locus Solus was originally conceived as a special immersive, multi-channel live sound-and-music performance in the dark for a single visitor. Nimetu plays the acoustic instruments all around the listener, and at different distances in the performance space.

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A special minimalist recording of solo flute music – “Spirit Flute Journeys”, plus a track of a magic kalimba “invocation”.

The approach was to let go of (pre)conceptions about music and simply dig deep into the subconscious to create the atmosphere of tranquillity, freedom and distance from the daily “drama”.

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Silhueta Soundtrack

Silhueta is the original soundtrack composed for the dance performance “Silhueta” by Tina Dobaj, premiered on 25.november, 2016 in Minoriti Church in Maribor. 

There are three additional outtakes included on the album, that were not used in the actual performance, but were recorded at the same time or used as inspiration (Vortex of Blue) for the final soundtrack. 

This is a work of love and devotion!

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