Sonic Witchcraft


Humaness vs Artificial Intelligence , Electronic Dharma?

Since I (with my lovely companion of course) decided to put two additional HUMANS into this world, I am even more curious what kind of world they will live in. Everything seems to accelerate, people are getting wiser and dumber at the same time – at a very high rate; the society is torn apart, […]

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Shamanic drumming – the percussionist’s perspective

“Shamanic drumming” became increasingly “in vogue” in the West in the last years. Different kinds of drumming indeed produce very beneficial effects on the mind and body, playing percussion / drums also trains your whole body, affects breathing, coordination, flexibility, strength, multi-tasking skills, etc. There is a lot of current research going on, quite some […]

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Izkustvo ali Pred-stava

Pravkar organiziram novo serijo performansov Locus Solus, kar mi sproža mnoga razmišljanja in ideje o tem početju, o naravi umetnosti nasploh ter predvsem o načinu našega dojemanja sveta in “dogodkov”. Celotna reč, ki ji pravimo “življenje” je en velik dogodek. Če se pošalim – “najpomembnejši dogodek zanj je bilo njegovo Življenje in največja prelomnica v […]

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The Myth of “A” = 432 Hz tuning reference

I am always interested in new ideas about what is especially beneficial and can work in sound healing, but there are also so many bogus claims, overblown talk and outright false information. The myth of 432 reference tuning especially got my interest, because it felt immediately “wrong” to me. The pitch reference can’t have that […]

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Health benefits of Native American flute

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